The art class at AMS was filled with smiles and laughter yesterday as staff from the district joined students for a student art class. This unique experience was spearheaded by art teacher Nora Majors. The class started with a demonstration on art techniques followed by student led instruction. Students helped the adults gather supplies and then demonstrated and instructed the teacher on how to create a landscape painting. Miss Majors teaches this unit every year to 6th graders and loves giving the opportunity to students to try something new, a highlight for her is hearing the students make comments like “I don’t draw very well but I CAN teach it”. Mrs Irwin , AMS Principal, participated and said “It was really fun and I really enjoyed seeing the students in the leadership role”. Schauna Relue, MSD Curriculum Director said “It is great to see the Big Opportunities our students have at Angola Middle School! I loved having the 6th-grade art students be my teachers for the day! “ Students Harper, Lily and Anabella said they were really nervous at first, afraid they would not remember the steps or make a mistake, but after a few minutes really enjoyed it and one of them also said she was now considering going into teaching. Creativity flowed, masterpieces were created and the day was enjoyed by all.

Small Community Big Opportunities
September 29, 2023