Congratulations to Rosten Hamman, Angola Middle School's Teacher of the Year! His dedication, enthusiasm, and passion for learning are truly appreciated and make him an invaluable asset to our school!
7 days ago, MSD of Steuben County
Hamman and Widenhoefer
Rosten Win Teacher of the Year
Be sure to check out April's flyer from parent guidance. This site offers coaching to parents and guardians at no cost. Follow the link:
11 days ago, Jacqueline Wilkinson
 If you are interested, please follow the URL listed below the QR Code to register.
Do you have a child that will be entering Kindergarten next school year?? If the answer is yes come to the Angola High School Gym today, door #21, today, NOW through 7 pm and our amazing staff will get your student ready to go. Please bring birth certificate, proof of residency and immunization.
16 days ago, MSD of Steuben County
Health department table kindergarten registaion
PL table kindergarten registration
Carlin park table Kindergarten registration
Kindergarten registtion staff
Transportation table kindergarten registration
RP table kindergarten registration
kindergarten registraion
kindergarten registraion
Got burning questions about parenting, relationships, or your child's well-being? Join us for Ask a Therapist Live with our renowned family therapist, Dr. Kevin Skinner. Participants anonymously submit questions to receive thoughtful, personalized answers. Wednesday, March 12th; 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific Attend for Free Ask a Therapist Live gives you direct access to clinical expertise without the wait list. Ask a therapist any question about youth mental health or parenting Participation is anonymous Register for the live event to get access to the replay Your relationship with your child is the most important thing. Attend this free webinar to improve it. Get all the information at Go To for all the information Check out the Parent Guidance Monthy Newletter
16 days ago, MSD of Steuben County
24-25 Yearbooks are for sale! Yearbooks are $30 and can be purchased from the link below until Friday, March 28th.
16 days ago, Ashley Martin
The dentist will be at AMS on Wednesday, April 9th. Please see the attached form for information on signing up your student. If you have any questions, please call the AMS office @ 260-665-9581.
16 days ago, Ashley Martin
Dental Form
Reminder! Kindergarten Round-up Tomorrow at AHS gym, 8am to 7am. Please use gym doors #21
17 days ago, MSD of Steuben County
Kindergarten roundup reminder
AMS Parents See the flyer to get schedule a Sports Physicals for 2025-2026 school year (8am-12pm on 4/2/25). Spots are limited. Thank you Cameron Hospital for the wonderful opportunity.
18 days ago, Kyle Booher
25-26 Physical Flyer
Thank you to the Steuben County Health Department for assisting our families in acquiring the needed paperwork for Kindergarten by extending your hours on March 11th, 2025!
21 days ago, MSD of Steuben County
Kindergarten round-up dates
Thanks to everyone who came out to hear our 7th and 8th grade bands perform tonight at the concert. Good luck to our kids and band staff as they go to contest with this music tomorrow!
21 days ago, Angola Middle School
MSDSC is proud to partner with many organizations in our community. Check out some of these organizations and see what they offer on our website Our highlight organization this month is The Steuben County Literacy Coalition. This summer they will be offering drama camp, STEM camp, K camps, and a new art camp. All programs are free and are open to any student entering grades 1-8 in the fall, or entering K in the fall (K Camp).
23 days ago, MSD of Steuben County
Artsy Camp Flyer
Steubens got drama camp flyer
K Camp Flyer
Steuben STEM Academy flyer
Kindergarten Registraion is NOW open. Click link to Pre-register today, Kindergarten Round-up will be March 12, 8 am to 7 pm at the AHS Gym. A child must be 5 years of age before August 1, 2025. Early entrance can be approved for children who are 5 by October 1, 2025, and pass the kindergarten screening. There is a multi-step process to register your kindergarten or Pre-K child. Parents will complete the required paper forms and have access to a Chromebook to complete the online registration forms. Completing your paper and online forms on March 12 can take up to an hour. Please plan accordingly. You will need to bring your child’s: 1. Legal birth certificate 2. Immunization record 3. Proof of residence in the MSD of Steuben County (utility bill or lease) ➢ or complete an out-of-district transfer form If your child’s immunizations are not complete, please contact your doctor or the County Health Department to get your shots scheduled. Kindergarten readiness testing will take place between May 23 and June 6. You will be contacted to schedule a time for your child to visit the school, see the building, and complete the testing.
25 days ago, MSD of Steuben County
Kindergarten Regitration open nos
⭐️Early Learning Center enrollment for the 25/26 school year has officially opened! Now enrolling 24 months- 6 years. Please attend one of our open houses to learn all about our program and facility! To Register- Follow the link to secure your space!⭐️ View our Facebook page for FAQ and Open House information. Email for inquiries
30 days ago, MSD of Steuben County
ELC Open Houses
⭐️Early Learning Center enrollment for the 25/26 school year has officially opened! Now enrolling 24 months- 6 years. Follow the link to secure your space!⭐️ View our Facebook page for FAQ and Open House information. Email for inquiries
about 1 month ago, MSD of Steuben County
ELC Enrollment
Support the AHS junior class! Everyone is welcome!!!
about 1 month ago, MSD of Steuben County
AHS Junior Class carnival flyer
Come celebrate Elementary Night at the Hornets Nest!!
about 1 month ago, MSD of Steuben County
Elementary Night at basketball game Saturday Feb 22nd
Save the Date March 12th Kindergarten Round-UP At AHS Pre-registration opens on March 1st!
about 1 month ago, MSD of Steuben County
Kindergarten round-up save the date
Due to weather related closures and planned days off, the course request forms for next year's 7th & 8th graders has been extended. Please have your students turn their forms in by Friday, February 21st. If you have any questions, please contact AMS. Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Jacqueline Wilkinson
Have a good day off. Stay warm. See you Tuesday!!
about 1 month ago, MSD of Steuben County
Presidents day
MSDSC would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our incredible School Resource Officers (SROs). We are truly fortunate to have two dedicated officers who work each day to support and protect our students. Officer Lanoue from the Steuben County Sheriff's Office is stationed at our High School. His leadership, mentorship, and unwavering commitment to our school community are deeply appreciated. And let’s not forget—his role as the unofficial rollercoaster director brings an extra level of fun to our students! Officer Noll with the Angola City Police serves at the Middle School, where he fosters a safe, friendly environment. His presence not only ensures security but also brings a smile to the faces of students and staff alike. Thank you both for your hard work, dedication, and the positive impact you have on our school community every single day!
about 1 month ago, MSD of Steuben County
SRO Appreciation